Wednesday, January 9, 2008

OMG Girlz Don’t Exist on teh Intarweb!!!!1

Thanks to Jamie for the link to this article. It is indeed a sad reality of online MMORPGs, Runescape including. My take on it is somewhat similar to the position of the guild's master mentioned in the article: there is nothing wrong with being a girl and playing a MMORPG, moreover, girls should not hide their identity, instead, guys need to get used to the idea of women being equal partners in all activities (including their "sacred" MMORPGs).


IVIilitarus said...

It really is sad. What is wrong with girls on the internet ? Many high lvl player are whats the big deal ?

Anonymous said...

I haven't experienced WOW so not familiar with the characters do they not have male and female characters.

There are female characters on Runescape and they get treated better than the male characters, I have known people who change to female characters when playing for an easy life.

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