Friday, May 16, 2008

Runescape Daily Routine

Marlain's post about her daily routine made me think about it. I bet many of us have some kind of routine in Runescape, set of daily chores if you will. Jagex created so many repeatable daily events and minigames, that there is a huge incentive for players to log in EVERY day. I can understand that and motives behind it, but it is also a trap. With number of USEFUL daily chores growing, it takes more and more time to do them all. In a sense, they become another way of grinding - a daily one. Kind of scary.

I used to have pretty long routine: Miscellania and farming ran, Jade Vine, pineapples and seaweed in Catherby, buckets with sand in Yanille. It took good half an hour or more to do them all. I am down to Miscellania and farming run now and I do everything else only when I feel like it, so it's not that bad. But it is still a daily 15 minutes routine and, now thinking about it, I would rather not have one at all.

So what is my point? Am I saying that daily Runescape routines are bad. No, not really. Just be careful, don't let it become a daily chore for you. Enjoy the game.


Turbo said...

Routines in and of themselves aren't bad. I like to farm, so I try and make 3-5 trips a day, and that is sometimes all the game play I can get in.

On the flip side, I have spent 3 days in a row woodcutting to get my level up, neglecting all of my normal daily tasks.

Why do I have a plan? Because I have found a few things that offer pretty good returns on the time I spend, like the 9 minutes for a farming run. That pays for my kingdom management, and just about any other thing I do in the game. Sand and seaweed used to be top priorities, but now they are so easy to get on the GE that I usually don't get them unless I am in the neighborhood and not in a hurry.

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. Log in, collect coconuts, collect cactus spines, buy battlestaves, charge some unpowered orbs into air orbs, attack them to the battlestaves, alch.

Then I can get on with my game.

Anonymous said...

I tend to just do what I am ready to do as I pass the place, If I am wood cutting or farming on a tree run I will pop to ardy and do the Jade Vine, I am normally doing slayer so do the Bork slaughter most days, I try to do miscellanea every week but it doesn't do it much harm to leave it a bit longer, I get my sand when im passing Yanille, I rarely go far out of my way for any of them.

I used to do lots of them, perhaps I stopped since I have money spare, if I want glass I buy it, I don't get the battle staves, cant be bothered getting the orbs enchanted and don't need cash or mage xp, when you have money you can do what you want to do and not what you can afford to do (within reason).

Anonymous said...

with lunar magicks you can talk to advisor grim and magnage kingdom cant do money though and you can contact bert each day aswell if im skilling i normally have lunar magicks on and do those parts of routine that way

i also enjoy a daily routine with everything i make a couple hundred k a day for basically 15 minutes of work

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