Monday, August 11, 2008

They may also call you a murderer.

I was reading about fighting tortoises (these peculiar creatures with "extra" gnome) in Runescape Wiki today and one paragraph made me laugh bitterly. Here it is:

When the tortoise is killed, the three gnomes yell and attack you. The warrior yells, "No! Dobbie is dead!"; the mage yells, "Kill the infidel."; And the ranger merely says, "Argh!" They become aggressive to ALL players, so low levels should be careful around them. They may also call you a murderer.


Anonymous said...

Not only do these tortoises offer great combat xp the shells sell for a lot of money on GE as a secondary ingredient for summoning.

Anonymous said...

If your looking for shells for summoning or just to sell, warped totoises may be a better way to go, they are very easy to kill, and the drops are pretty good also.

Vaskor said...

yeah, and warped tortoises do look like beasts, so I can kill them without feeling remorse or being labeled as a bloody murderer

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