Sunday, July 26, 2009

How to get Runescape membership without parent's permission

Sounds like a hack subject? But no, I just read this new article about this subject exactly. Apparently Wallie cards in EU and pre-paid Runescape membership cards in the US do the trick. You just need some cash and ability to visit a local store where the cards are being sold.

As a parent myself, I am not 100% sure whether it is a good thing or not. I personally would prefer to at least know what kind of online games my son is playing. But then I don't really mind him playing and do pay for his Runescape membership anyway. I guess it might be different for other families.

Anyway, there is a way now and if you parents forbid you to play, but you are still determined, this way is much better than stealing parents credit cards.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Again, people have forgotten the UKash card, which I used for my year.

Basically, go to the shop, give the clerk your money and they give you a receipt with a code. Enter that code on the Pay By Cash section and you have membership.

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