Thursday, July 2, 2009

Most Important Building in Runescape

Indeed, the bank. Are there any other alternatives?


Timothy Gold said...


Perhaps the Grand Exchange would be a better answer. It doubles up as a bank *and* as a place for trade :-)

Alex said...

OMGWTFBBQ I'm on RS Reader's Digest.

Now I read it back, that was a pretty shocking post as well >.<

Anyway. The bank is probably more important than the GE because it's more versatile - there's only one GE, so can you say you go particularly there between every training spree?

Aximili E I said...

Imagine RS without a bank ;)... with banks having been around since almost the beginning... wonder if anyone has done a character that has never used the bank (other then the forced time in tutorial island) that they actually use... A non bank pure 0_o

Alex said...

That would have to be impossible, or incredibly slow.

The only skills you could train are the ones that lead on to each other - WC to FM, CB that you cook yourself.

You could only ever have 27 slots - one for cash at all times.

And what if you die?

Aximili E I said...

If I ever do another account that might be fun... and of course it would be slow... next to impossible on a f2p server...

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