Thursday, January 21, 2010

Runescape Community Toolbar

I am happy to announce that Runewise and Runescape Reader's Digest got another affiliation partner! It is silentc0re's Runescape Community Toolbar.

Yes, it is a new initiative from Icey Dan1 whom you surely know from YouTube and Runescape Revolutions blog. The toolbar is neat and simple, yet very convenient for quick navigation to various Runescape related news sources, videos, feeds, tools and sites (including Runewise, yay!).

Speaking of Runewise, after almost half a year of procrastination I finally made a major update to one of the services and Jagex was kind enough to promote it on Twitter. "How much to 99" service was updated and Crafting skill added to it. Check it out, if you are thinking about getting a cape in this skill any time soon.


Massecure360 said...

Yay! Silentc0re's toolbar looks very helpful. And I can't wait to see how much longer until 99 Crafting! :D

Dan said...

Thanks very much for the post!

Hopefully Runewise can get more known in Runescape, it's really helpful!

Ham said...

Thanks for How Much Till 99!

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