Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Gravestones in Runescape and Taming Wilderness

Interesting speculation on the coming updates. I actually tend to agree with these predictions - they look very reasonable. And, yes, change to the Wilderness is long due. Note, that taming Wilderness would not only fix a loophole for RWT, but also would be yet another step to make the game more appropriate to the younger audience, which is what we really have in the game despite 13+ requirement.


Anonymous said...

Taming of the wilderness would be such an awful thing I do hope it never comes to that, I don't PK I only use the wilderness to do clues but the element of danger is part of the fun of doing the clues.

My son (8)came to me all upset that he was killed in the wilderness, I told him that was a consequence of not heeding to warnings, you know it is dangerous you need to accept the consequences of ignoring the warnings.

Its a valuable lesson to learn and better to learn in a game than in real life.

The removal of gambling was a good idea, the grand exchange is great to stamp out scams and monitor gold farmer activity.

But making the game idiot proof will make it a game crawling with idiots.

Vaskor said...

I agree that the wilderness adds a thrill element to the game. I personally enjoy going there for clues.
But it is also brings and even encourages a lot of nastiness from the players. You are not only get killed, you also get lured, back stabbed and flamed on top of that.
I remember posting about a Rune mining guide for skillers, where it was actually suggested how you can kill another miner at the spot and take his/her ore. And it wasn't positioned as an act of pking - it was just a tip for a miner. Taking about sharing training areas...
We'll see how the updates go, but there are things to improve in widlerness.

Anonymous said...

The most annoying PKers don't do it for profit, they just enjoy PKing - even of the "innocent". This type of PKer would still lurk in the Wilds even if player drops were discontinued. The Wilds might be tamed a bit - but not fully domesticated.

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