Saturday, September 13, 2008

Offensive Account Names in Runescape

First of all, I think it is plain stupid to create account names using any kind of offensive language. And names that smartly avoid in-game filters are not "ha-ha", but stupid. Well, that's my opinion anyway.

However, I know that there are a lot of players who got banned because of Jagex deciding that their names are offensive. These players get an option to start their account anew, keeping only their items, but not levels. For those players is this link. Apparently there is a way to make Jagex reconsider their decision, you just have to be more persistent and patient.

P.S. read not only the complain but also the comments.


Anonymous said...

The name issue is a grey area for Jagex, their problem is that the name terms and conditions where not enforceable because when signing up it was not made clear that a name should not be offensive, the terms and conditions were updated after a certain time and any name made after that time can be removed if it is deemed offensive.

All ban appeals can be appealed if you can find a way to get through, if you have a good case then persistence can pay off, I have witnessed this myself from friends.

Vaskor said...

I remember playing another MMO way back. They had this way to deal with offensive names: after a player would register a new account he/she will be able to start playing immediately, but the name would be queued for review by a mod or pmod. Within the next day or so someone would review the name and clear or delete it. Simple and effective.

G said...

What could be more offensive than that grammar?

Anyways, I'm always amused by the people claiming to be computer and legal experts knowing more than the company. I love the comment calling for a class action suit. I think the extent of that person's knowledge about the law only covers the words "class action suit."

I can't even think of a basis of it. In all uncertain terms, everything will always be Jagex property and we're basically renting use from it.

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