Monday, October 13, 2008

Runescape Scare Mode

Nice article from Zybez blog. I quite agree with the author: don't play the game in "scare mode". Accept the changes or, even better, view them as opportunities! And, by the way, that applies to real life too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article many a true word spoken.

Everyone knew the economy was going to crash when the GE came out, they all new it was going to ruin Runescape.

The economy did indeed crash but it didn't take long to get back up again when all surplus stock found new owners.

New big updates will cause changes in the economy, some items will plummet in price some will increase, some will return to normal after a while others wont.

Pking was removed from the wilderness, there was uproar for a while, a minority group affected and people who have never pked in their life joining the protests, then it all settled down to normal.

The economy will always remain stable, Jagex will ensure that it does, some people don't like it that Jagex control the economy but it would be a poor game if they didnt have a certain amount of input.

"Scare mode" sells stories, what would you read "Another Runescape crash kills summoning" or "Level 74 ranger kills guard in Varrock"?

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