Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bug Abuse in Runescape

Another article from RS Blog about the "dark side" of Runescape's community. The article is written by one of the former members of Tainted Ones (if I am not mistaken) and gives insights to the way these group of Runescape bug abusers operated. While what they did was most definitely wrong, it is nevertheless very interesting article to read.


Anonymous said...

These hackers never earn, they continue on, and make statements like "I have no regrets" and "I would do it again".

Never do they see the people they are taking from, and when the police (not in this case but you get my drift) knock at thier door, they have a "what did I do wrong" attitude as they are carted off to jail.

sad just sad

Anonymous said...

Bug abuse is not hacking... it's exploiting a loop-hole in something to gain an advantage they should not be able to get.

Hacking is when a person deliberately sets out to create a loop-hole and/or destroy what would normally be secure code.

People going to Jail for hacking need to do something VERY serious, and be proven to have done that with intent.

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