Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Changes in Spealing Creations minigame

Changes are coming...

Looks good, the great minigame is going to become even more rewarding, but the question is how to spend those points to put them below 200K?


Anonymous said...

Well that is as clear as mud.

It makes sense to stop the combat xp in the game as opposed to giving skill xp, the problem is how will fighters benefit, by using the armour for extra xp? the melee armour is rune with a different shell will you get extra combat xp using the scimmy, it would have to be a lot of extra xp for a rune scimmy to beat the xp from a whip.

The tools not transforming, losing charge instead is a better idea, I don't like the idea of them degrading quicker, they only last 1k actions as it is, I suppose the extra xp would help but it means you need to play more games, which is OK if you like it but a pain if you don't.

You have a personal score for the rewards after the game, what is the motivation to do well in the game? 10% extra points for a win was really not worth winning for after the update there is no motivation.

I cant see a great deal of benefit from the changes mentioned here however it is not very clear so time will tell.

Vaskor said...

Well, I like the "extra exp" deal with fewer charges. As you said, one will have to like the game for its game play in order to take advantage of it. And I think it is how it should work - players who dislike the game shouldn't be forced to do so just because exp is so great.

The change should fix the problem when players who played the game a lot didn't have any way to spend their points.

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