Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ghost Ship in the Wilderness

I knew that revenants were coming from somewhere, but I never thought they actually had a home in the Wilderness. Until yesterday when I inadvertently paid them a visit.

Here is what happened.
I was hunting for revenants in the deep wilderness waiting for the Merch's house party to start and stumbled upon a broken down ship. It was marooned on the shore right by the agility course area. Very spooky. I never knew there was a ship there - but it was. And it was empty. I entered through a hole on the side and proceeded to the top desk - still no one. Went down to the hull and then it happened: four revenants exited the hull through the very hole I was staying by and spurted into the wilderness. Two knights and two orcs. Ouch! For a few seconds I was simply stunned. I took a picture, but when I finally rushed in pursue they were gone - undoubtedly on their different patrolling routes.

Still shaking I went to the party and had fun ;-)


NeobotXP said...

A close shave indeed!
I gotta go check it out now :)

Alex said...

Those same revs then destroyed me and stopped my agil training.

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