Monday, June 16, 2008

PHP Code for Runescape Webmasters

A while ago I published sample PHP code to retrieve Runescape Highscores and calculate combat levels. I am happy to know that it helped several webmasters. I believe that stuff like that shouldn't be kept proprietary. So... What does it have to do with today's article?

Well, today I started to work on a new Runewise service and went looking for a sample PHP code that would extract data from the GE database. I found it here. One of the webmasters who used my code from RS Haven, posted his code snippet for the GE database. I can only applaud. Thank you very much!


Anonymous said...

Hi Vaskor,

This is Edison From RunescapeGod.

You can go ahead and use the code on any website :-)


Vaskor said...

Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link and the code. I don't know php but I can cop-and-paste and then edit. Made this simple (but slow) page to compute the profits from tanning dragon hides using the current GE prices.

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