Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hard Life of Pures and Pure Skillers in Runescape

Hard Life of Pures and Pure Skillers in Runescape narrated by Topper. The topic fascinates me, but I can't even imagine myself going through such harsh and artificial training.

Though an idea of restrained skilling is not that foreign to me. For instance, I forbid myself to buy any kind of seeds to speed up my Farming skill and therefore I am getting experience in my favorite skill very very slowly.

1 comment:

G said...

That's a great article. People can be ridiculous when the game doesn't lay down and do every little thing to cater to one person's desires. Can jagex go in and undo that one time I walked into the Blurite Dungeon and died because I was curious and acting stupid? No.

As deceitful and wrong as it is, is it bad that I think its kind of amusing someone did this?

Also, you're not alone on the not buying seeds thing. I love farming, and its a pain planting apple trees and willows at a decent level, but every bit of xp counts and spending tons of cash on buying mage, yew and palm tree seeds just doesn't make sense to me.

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