Thursday, May 28, 2009

Collaboration between Runescape Fan Sites. Continued.

In my first post about collaboration between Runescape fan sites, I did not mentioned a project Arieder from RuneAddict and I had already agreed upon. It was quite inconsiderate from my side and I apologized to Arieder shortly after. Fortunately, he didn't hold the grudge and finished the project today.

The project was about integrating Runescape Reader's Digest posts into RuneAddict, thus giving RuneAddict's users an easy access to Runescape news and articles I feature in this blog and giving the Runescape Reader's Digest even broader audience. Again one of those win-win situations I was talking about in the first post. You can see how it was done on the RuneAddict's home page.

With that, I want to thank Arieder for coming up with such idea and actually making it happen. I really appreciate it.


Aximili E I said...

Kool which means I will get more readers to my blog MWhahaha.... *cough* *cough* which also mean I need some more RRD worthy posts lol...I should shut up now lol... Good luck on this collaboration Vaskor!

Joost said...

Nice, this has actually been something I was thinking about when starting up the RuneTower chronicle. I was thinking of putting links to RuneScape blogs under the article to provide some further reading. I haven't really pushed it since the RuneTower chronicle doesn't really get that much visitors to be worth anything.

Aximili E I said...

Every little bit helps =)I'd love it it every fansite had a link to my blog so I take what little help I can get when it comes=)

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